
"Success Is Not Just Getting What You Want BUT Doing The Right Things With It"

Location: Singapore

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

3 Cheers To Woman!

Little Leo is staying over at my mum's place tonight cos Gary and myself have to go to work early tomorrow. Finally have some time tonite to write my blog.

Metup with a client who intends to sell her apartment. She is a successful career woman who owns 2 spa outlets in Singapore. Single, in her early 40s, confident and independent. To me, this is the perfect image of a single woman. I have a few girl friends who are single and have a successful career. I think getting hitched is one of the last thing in their mind now. Woman in Singapore are getting more capable and independent. I think that's one of the reason why Singaporean man are expanding their search for a wife to countries like Malaysia, Vietnam and China. In fact sometimes i think many Singaporean man are juz too 'soft'. Undecisive, unwilling to take responsibility, not willing to take risk, complacent... (Sorrie guys, i say "many" not "all", and there are definitely good Singaporean man around). On the other hand, we hear man complaint that woman today are so materialistic, ambitious and unreasonable (actually its we have a mind of our own!), unlike their mother days where woman 三从四德 (Faint!!!). Its no wonder why there are more singles in Singapore nowadays.

Remind me of another client of mine. She is in her late 30s, a mother of 3 and a successful career woman. To me she has the perfect image of a woman who 进的了厨房, 出的了厅堂. Its not easy to cope with family and work, especially when the kid comes along ( I know this perfectly well cos Little Leo takes up most of my time when i am at home with him!). You have to be a juggler - doing many things at one time - and to be efficient becomes so very important.

3 cheers to the woman of today. I feel so proud to be a woman!

P/s: I am reading this book again by Donald Trump "Trump 101 - The Way to Success". The first chapter says "Don't waste your life on work you don't love; Passion will help you do better". Fully agree. I love what i am doing now cos i get to meet people, cos behind every face is a story. Passion, passion, passion - if you love your job, you will not be working for another day!


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