Deal Off!
Anyway this is part & parcel of a sales job. The down side of this job only serves to enhance the good part of it. I allow myself to feel down only today. Tomorrow i will be charged up again. New Quarter, New Target!!!

Feel damn sian today cos burst a deal. Not only becos of the commission, i feel sad becos my buyers are really nice and they really like the house. Also my seller told me the reason for not being able to sell but i think otherwise ...
Anyway this is part & parcel of a sales job. The down side of this job only serves to enhance the good part of it. I allow myself to feel down only today. Tomorrow i will be charged up again. New Quarter, New Target!!!
My Cute BB!
My bak bak sisters were commenting some time ago (and on seperate occasions on seperate timings) on something like "you mean u know how to take care of him when you are alone with him, and you mean you know how to bathe him?" Alamak, dear sistas, i am a mother now. Of cos i must know how to take care of him and that includes bathing him lah! To show proof of ME bathing little Leo, below are the pics:
wow.. I now look u very the up..hehe..u are indeed my sista :)
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