
"Success Is Not Just Getting What You Want BUT Doing The Right Things With It"

Location: Singapore

Saturday, November 03, 2012

A Reminder from God.

Below is the transcript of the talk of Dr. Richard Teo, who was a 40-year-old millionaire and cosmetic surgeon with a stage-4 lung cancer, sharing at a Dental Christian Fellowship Meeting. He would have liked to share this with you too.


Hi good morning to all of you. My voice is a bit hoarse from the chemotherapy, so please bear with me. I thought I'll just introduce myself. My name is Richard, I’m a friend of Danny’s, who invited me here.

I’d just begin to say that I’m a typical product of today’s society. Before this, I was talking about how the media influences us etc. So I’m a typical product of what the media portrays. From young, I’ve always been under the influence and impression that to be happy, is to be successful. And to be successful, is to be wealthy. So I led my life according to this motto.

Coming from a poor average family, back in those days, I was highly competitive, whether in sports, studies, leadership. I wanted it all. I’ve been there, done that. But at the end of the day, it’s still about money.

So in my recent last years, I was a trainee in ophthalmology, but I was getting impatient, cos I had friends of mine who were going out into private practise, making tonnes of money. And there I was, stuck in a traineeship. So I said, ‘Enough, it’s getting too long.’ At that time, there was a surge in protégés of aesthetic medicine. I’m sure you’re aware, aesthetic medicine had peaked over the last few years, and I saw good money in there. So much so that I said, ‘Forget about ophthalmology, I’m gonna do aesthetic medicine.’ So that’s what I did.

The truth is, nobody makes heroes out of the average GP in the neighbourhood. They don't. They make heroes out of rich celebrities, politicians, rich and famous people. So I wanted to be one of these. I dived straight into aesthetic medicine. People were not willing to pay when I was doing locum back in those days. Anything more than $30, they would complain that “Wah, this lo kun (doctor) jing qwee (very expensive)”. They made noise and they were not happy. But the same people were willing to pay $10 000 for a liposuction. So I said, ‘Well, let’s stop healing the sick, I’m gonna become a beautician; a medically-trained beautician.’

And that was what I did – liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgeries, you name it, we do it. It was very good money. My clinic, when we started off, waiting time was 1 week; 1 month; became 2 months; became 3 months. There was so much demand that people were literally queuing up to have aesthetic work done on them. Vain women – easy life!

So the clinic grew. I was so overwhelmed, from 1 doctor, I employed 2, then 3, then 4 doctors, and carried on. Nothing is ever enough. I wanted more and more and more. So much so that we set up shop in Indonesia to lure all the Indonesian tai tai’s. We set up shop, set up a team of people there, to get more Indonesian patients to come in.

So, things were doing well. I’m there, my time has arrived. 

Around some time in February last year, I said, ‘OK, I have so much spare cash, it’s time to get my first Ferrari. So there I was, getting ready for the deposit. ‘OK! There comes my first Ferrari!’ I was looking for land, to share with some of my friends. I have a banker friend who makes $5 million a year. So I thought, ‘Come, let’s come together. Let’s buy some land and build our houses.’

I was at my prime, getting ready to enjoy. At the same time, my friend Danny had a revival. They were going back to church, some of my close friends. They told me, ‘Richard, come, join us, come back to church.’

I have been a Christian for 20 years; I was baptised 20 years ago, but it was because it was fashionable to be a Christian then. All my friends were becoming Christians then. It was fashionable! I wanted to be baptised, so that when I filled in a form, I could put there “Christian” – feels good. In truth, I had never had a bible; I don’t know what the bible is all about.

I went to church for a while, after some time, I got tired. I said it’s time to go to NUS, stop going to church. I had a lot more things to pursue in NUS – girls, studies, sports etc. After all, I had achieved all these things without God today, so who needs God? I myself can achieve anything I want.

In my arrogance, I told them, “You know what? You go tell your pastor to change your sermon to 2pm. I will consider coming to church.” Such arrogance! And I said 1 statement in addition to that – till date, I don’t know I’ve regretted saying that – I told Danny and my friends, “If God really wanted me to come back to church, He will give me a sign.”. Lo and behold, 3 weeks later, I was back at church.


In March 2011, out of the blues – I was still running around, ‘cause I’m a gym freak and I always go to the gym training, running, swimming 6 days a week. I had some backache, and that’s all I had, but it was persistent. And so I went for an MRI to exclude prolapsed disc. And the day before I had my scan, I was still in the gym, lifting heavy weights, doing my squats. And the next day, they found that half my spine had bone marrow replacement. I said, “Woah, sorry, what’s that?” 

We had a PET scan the next day, and they diagnosed that I had terminal lung cancer, stage 4B. It had spread to the brain, half the spine, whole of my lungs were filled with tumour, liver, adrenals…

I said, “Can’t be, I was just at the gym last night, what’s going on?” I’m sure you know how it feels – though I’m not sure if you know how it feels. One moment I was there at the peak, the next day, this news came and I was totally devastated. My whole world just turned upside down. 

I couldn’t accept it. I have a hundred relatives on both sides, my mom and my dad. 100 of them. And not a single one has cancer. To me, in my mind, I have good genes, I’m not supposed to be having this! Some of my relatives are heavy chain smokers. Why am I having lung cancer? I was in denial.


So the next day, I was still in a state of denial, still unable to accept what was going on. There I was lying in an operating theatre in a hospital, for a needle biopsy (for histology). There I was, just completed the biopsy, and lying in the operating theatre. The nurses and doctors had left; told me I had to wait for 15 minutes to do a check X-ray to make sure there’s no pneumothorax (a complication).

And there I was, lying on the operating table, staring blankly at the ceiling in a cold, quiet operating theatre. Suddenly I just heard an inner voice; it was not like coming from outside. It was inside. This small inner voice that I had never felt before. And it said very specifically, it said, “This has to happen to you, at your prime, because it’s the only way you can understand.”

I said, “Woah, why did that come from?” You know, when you speak to yourself, you’d say, “OK, what time should I leave this place? Where shall I have dinner after this?” You’d speak from a first person point of view. You don’t say, “Where should YOU go after this?” Whereas the voice that came spoke as a third party. It said, “This has to happen to YOU, at YOUR prime, because this is the only way YOU can understand.” At that time, my emotions just overflowed and I broke down and cried, alone there. And I knew then, subsequently, what it means to understand that why this is the only way.

Because I had been so proud of myself, my whole life, I needed nobody else. I was gifted with things that I could do, why do I need anybody else? I was just so full of myself that there was no other way I could have turned back to God.

In fact, if I were diagnosed with stage 1 or 2, I would have been looking around busily for the best cardiothoracic surgeon, remove a section of the lobe (do a lobectomy), do preventive chemotherapy…The chances of it being cured is extremely high. Who needs God? But I had stage 4B. No man can help, only God can.

A series of events happened after that. I wasn’t sold after that, because of the inner voice, I became believing, prayers, all that. No I wasn’t. To me, it was just ‘maybe there was a voice; or maybe that was just me talking to myself.’ I didn’t buy the story.

What happened next was that I was being prepared for chemotherapy. I started off with a whole brain radiation therapy first; takes about 2 -3 weeks. In the meantime they prepared me for chemotherapy, supplements etc. One of the things they used for chemo was a thing called Zometa. Zometa - they use it to strengthen the bones; once the bone marrow (replacement) is cured of cancer cells, it becomes hollow, so we need Zometa to strengthen the bone to prevent compression fractures. 

One of the side effects of Zometa is that it can cause osteonecrosis (bone death) of the jaw, and I had to have my wisdom teeth removed. Years ago, I had my upper wisdom teeth removed, cos it was giving me trouble. The lower ones didn’t give me trouble so I said, “Forget it, just leave it.” So of cause, Danny volunteered to remove it for me.

So there I was, lying there in a dental chair, asking myself, suffering all the side effects of radiotherapy, and now I have to go through wisdom tooth surgery. As if I’ve not had enough to suffer! So I asked Danny, “Eh, bro, is there any other way? Can I not go though this?” He said, “Yes, you can pray.” 

I said, “What’s there to lose? Ok lah, pray lah!” And so we prayed. And we did an X-ray after that. Everything was all there, all the appliances and everything. And lo and behold, the Xray showed that there was no wisdom teeth in the lower jaw. I know most people have 4 wisdom teeth, maybe some have none, but to be missing one or 2, as I understand – I’m not too sure, as I understand – is not that common.

Still I was, “Nah, I don’t care about that.” To me, as long as I didn’t have to take out the tooth, I was happy. At that point, I still wasn’t sold on prayers. Maybe it was just a coincidence – for whatever it’s worth.

I continued meeting my oncologist, asking him, “How long do I have?” I asked him. He said, not more than 6 months. I said, “Even with chemotherapy?” About 3 – 4 months, he said. 

I couldn’t grasp that. It was difficult to come to terms. And even as I went through radiotherapy, I was struggling everyday, especially when I wake up, hoping that it’s just a nightmare; when I wake up, it’s all over.

As I was struggling, day after day, I went into depression, which is the typical denial, depression blah blah blah that you go through. But for 1 reason, I don’t know why, there was this specific day that I was supposed to meet my oncologist. At about 2pm, I felt this sudden surge of peace, comfort, and in fact, a little happiness. It was just overflowing. For no rhyme or reason, it just came about 2pm, as I was getting ready, dressing up to meet my oncologist. So much so that I whats-apped all my friends that, “Bros, I just feel so good suddenly! I don’t know why, it just came!”

And it was only days, or was it weeks after, that Danny revealed to me that he had fasted for 2 days for me, and he was bargaining with God, and fasted for 2 dyas, and he ended his fast at that exact same point, about 2pm thereabouts, that this surge of sensation came to me for no rhyme or reason. And I didn’t know that he was fasting for me. And when he ended the fast, I felt that sensation!

Whoa, things were getting a bit too coincidental. I was starting to buy a bit of the story, but still I wasn’t sold. As days passed by, I completed my radiotherapy, about 2 weeks plus. Getting ready for chemo, so they let me rest for a few days.

See, the mortality rate of lung cancer : Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate. If you add up breast, colorectal (colon) cancer, and prostate cancer (the top few cancers in Singapore for men and women), if you add up the mortality rate of these 3, it still doesn’t add up to lung cancer. Simply because, you understand, you can remove the prostate, the colon, the breast, but you cannot remove your lungs.

But there’s about 10% of lung cancer patients who do pretty well for some reasons, because they have this specific mutation; we call it the EGFR mutation. And it happens, only 90% of the time, in Asian ladies who never smoked in their lives. Me, first of all, I’m male. 2ndly, I’m a social smoker. I take one a day after dinner; weekends, when my friends offer me, I take it as well. I’m a light smoker, not a social smoker. But still, my oncologist was still not hopeful for me to have this mutation. 

The chances of it happening for me was maybe 3-4% for me to get it. That’s why I was being primed to go for chemo. But through all the intense prayers, friends like Danny, people that I don’t even know, it turned out that, during my waiting for chemo, the results came back that I was EGFR positive. I was like, “Woah, good news!” Cos now I don’t have to undergo chemo at that time, because there’s this oral tablet that you can use to control this disease. 


Every single dot there is a tumour. You can see all the mets (metastasis) there. This is just one single plane. Literally I had it in both lungs, and I had literally tens of thousands of tumour. That’s why the oncologist told me, even with chemo, at most 3-4 months.

But because of this mutation, they have this oral medication. This is what happened after 2 months of treatment. As you can see over here; this is what God can do. And that’s why I’m still here having this opportunity to share with you. As you can see over here, the difference between before and after treatment.

At that point, I said, “Well, it’s to be expected, isn’t it? The medicine is good.” I’m still not buying the story. Well, the guys prayed for me and the tumour markers started to come down. 90% of the tumours were wiped out, and the tumour markers came down to more than 90% over the next few months.

But still, you know, once you have the clinical knowledge, you know the statistics. One year survival, two year survival; having all this knowledge is not a good thing. Cos you live with the knowledge that even with all this, the cancer cells are so unstable, they keep mutating. They will overcome and become resistant to the drugs, and eventually you’re gonna run out of medication.

So living with this knowledge is a huge mental struggle, a huge mental torture. Cancer is not just about a physical struggle, it’s a huge mental torture. How do you live with no hope? How do you live with not being able to plan for the next few years? The oncologist tells you to bear with it for the next 1 – 2 months. So it’s a lot of struggles as I went through: March, then April. April was my lowest point, in deep depression, struggling even as I was recovering.


And one of those days, I was there in bed, struggling in the afternoon, asking God, “Why? Why do I have to go through this suffering? Why do I have to endure this hardship, this struggle? Why me?” 

As I fell asleep, in my dreamy state, a vision just came, that says Hebrews 12:7-8.

Now mind you, at this time, I had not read the bible. I have no clue what’s Hebrews, I don’t even know how many chapters there are. Totally clueless.

But it says Hebrews 12:7-8, very specifically.

I didn’t think too much of it. I just continued sleeping. Then I woke up, and I said, “What’s there to lose? I’d just check it out lah!” Danny had bought me a bible; it’s still quite new. I said, “It’s ok, just try.” So I flipped to the Old Testament. Hebrews to me sounds like something ancient, so it should be in the Old Testament right? So I flipped through the Old Testament. No Hebrews there. I was so disappointed.

Then I said, “Maybe New Testament, let’s have a look!”. WOW – New Testament, there’s Hebrew’s!! It says Hebrews 12:7-8. It says, “Endure hardship as discipline as God is treating you as His children.”

I said, “WAH!! Where did that come from?” I was getting goose pimples all over my body. I said, “This can’t be, right?” I mean, what’s the chance of somebody, who has never read the bible, to have a vision of a chapter of a specific verse, that answers my question directly?

I think God called to me directly as I was there sleeping, struggling with it, asking God, “Why do I have to suffer? Why do I have to suffer this?” And God says “Endure hardship as discipline as God is treating you as His child.”

At this point, the chance of that happening is even lesser than my EGFR being positive. There’s just no way; there’s so many millions of thousands of verses in the bible, how can I just conjure up something like that?

So at that point, I was sold I said, “YOU WIN! YOU WIN!!”

Ok , I was convinced. And so from that day onwards, I started believing in my God. And the last time I heard that inner voice was the end of April. And that inner voice, same thing, in the afternoon, as I was sleeping (this time I wasn’t struggling, just going to sleep). In a dreamy state I just heard Him say, “Help others in hardship.”

It was more like a command, rather than a statement. And that’s when I embarked on this journey, helping others in hardship. And I realised that hardship is not just about being poor. In fact, I think a lot of poor people are probably happier than a lot of us here. They are so easily contented with whatever they have, they’re probably pretty happy.

Hardship can happen to rich people; it can be physical hardship, mental hardship, social, etc. And also over the last few months, I started to understand what this true joy is about. In the past, I substituted true joy with the pursuing of wealth. I thought true joy is about pursuing wealth. Why? Cos let me put it to you this way, in my death bed, I found no joy whatsoever in whatever objects I had – my Ferrari, thinking of the land I was going to buy to build my bungalow etc, having a successful business.

It brought me ZERO comfort, ZERO joy, nothing at all. Do you think I can hold onto this piece of metal and it’s going to give true joy? Nah, it’s not going to happen. 

True joy comes from interaction with other people. And at a lot of times, it is a short term pride, the past. When you pursue your wealth, Chinese New Year is the best time to do it. Drive my Ferrari, show off to my relatives, show off to my friends, do my rounds, and then you thought that was true joy? You really think that those guys who sold you your Ferrari, they share their joy with you? And your relatives, wow, they share this joy with you? In truth, what you have done is just to illicit envy, jealousy, and even hatred. They are not sharing the joy with you, and what I have is that short-term pride that wow, I have something you don’t have! And I thought that was joy!

So what we have is basically a short-term pride at the expense of somebody else. And that wasn’t true joy. And I found no joy at all on my deathbed, thinking of my Ferrari – to hold on to it, sayang it?!?

True joy I discovered comes from interaction. Over the last few months I was so down. Interaction with my loved ones, my friends, my brothers in Christ, my sisters in Christ, and only then was I able to be motivated, able to be uplifted. To share your sorrow, to share your happiness – that’s true joy.

And you know what makes you smile? True joy comes from helping others in hardship, and because I’ve gone through this, I know what hardship entails. In fact, there’re some cancer patients who tell me a lot of times, people come up to them and tell them, “Stay positive. Stay positive.” Yah, right. You come in my shoes and you try to stay positive! You don’t know what you’re talking about!

But I have the licence. So I’ve been going out to meet other fellow cancer patients, to share with them, encourage them. And I know, because I’ve been through it, and it’s easier for me to talk to them.

And most importantly, I think true joy comes from knowing God. Not knowing about God – I mean, you can read the bible and know about God – but knowing God personally; getting a relationship with God. I think that’s the most important. That’s what I’ve learnt.

So if I were to sum it up, I’d say that the earlier we sort out the priorities in our lives, the better it is. Don’t be like me – I had no other way. I had to learn it through the hard way. I had to come back to God to thank Him for this opportunity because I’ve had 3 major accidents in my past – car accidents. You know, these sports car accidents – I was always speeding , but somehow I always came out alive, even with the car almost being overturned. And I wouldn’t have had a chance. Who knows, I don’t know where else I’d be going to! Even though I was baptised it was just a show, but the fact that this has happened, it gave me a chance to come back to God.

Few things I’d learnt though:
1. Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart – this is so important.
2. Is to love and serve others, not just ourselves.

There is nothing wrong with being rich or wealthy. I think it’s absolutely alright, cos God has blessed. So many people are blessed with good wealth, but the trouble is I think a lot of us can’t handle it. The more we have, the more we want. I’ve gone through it, the deeper the hole we dig, the more we get sucked into it, so much so that we worship wealth and lose focus. Instead of worshipping God, we worship wealth. It’s just a human instinct. It’s just so difficult to get out of it.

We are all professionals, and when we go into private practise, we start to build up our wealth – inevitably. So my thought are, when you start to build up wealth and when the opportunity comes, do remember that all these things don’t belong to us. We don’t really own it nor have rights to this wealth. It’s actually God’s gift to us. Remember that it’s more important to further His Kingdom rather than to further ourselves.

Anyway I think that I’ve gone through it, and I know that wealth without God is empty. It is more important that you fill up the wealth, as you build it up subsequently, as professionals and all, you need to fill it up with the wealth of God.

I think that’s about it. It’s good to share. Thanks.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

As The Deer

Love this hymn. Brings back so much memories.  

As The Deer
As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longeth after Thee.
You alone are my heart's desire,
And I long to worship Thee.

You alone are my strength,
My shield;
To You alone may my spirit yeild.
You alone are my heart's desire,
And I long to worship Thee.

You're my friend
And You are my brother
Even though You are a King.
I love You more than any other,
So much more than anything.

You alone are my strength,
My shield;
To You alone may my spirit yeild.
You alone are my heart's desire,
And I long to worship Thee.

I want you more than
gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy-giver
And the apple of my eye.

You alone are my strength,
My shield;
To You alone may my spirit yeild.
You alone are my heart's desire,
And I long to worship Thee.

In His Time

This is one of my favorite hymn which we always sing in our school days.

"That You do just what You say.. In Your time."

In His time, In His Time
He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Lord please show me every day
As your teaching me Your way
That You do just what You say 
In Your time.

In Your time, In Your Time
You make all things beautiful in Your time.
Lord my life to You I bring 
May each song I have to sing
Be to you a lovely thing 
In Your time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am back!

I am back!

My last blog was on 21 April 2011. Gosh! How much has happened since that day!
A quick update. I joined Capitaland on 4 July 2011. After a year and a month, I am back with ERA. It has been a nice journey, though it is not the destination I want. This journey reinforce my belief that I do not want to be employed. Being self-employed gives me a lot of flexibility. I can do what I like to do at my own pace. I have a vision. And I am thankful to the Man above. He gives me the option to decide my path ahead.

Just a short blog today. Will keep the writings coming.

Meanwhile, stay happy and passionate to what you are doing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


曾經聽 生物老師 講過一個美國教授做的實驗:把幾隻蜜蜂放進一個平放的瓶子中,瓶底向著有光的一方,瓶口敞開。 蜜蜂們都是向著有光亮處不斷飛動,卻又不斷撞在瓶壁上。 最後,它們似乎都明白自己永遠也飛不出這個瓶子,誰也不再嘗試,個個奄奄一息落在瓶底。 教授把這些蜜蜂倒出來,把瓶子按原樣放好,再放入幾隻蒼蠅。 蒼蠅和蜜蜂不一樣,它們除了向有光亮處飛動外,還向其他方向飛行,或向上,或向下,或向逆光的地方,總之,它們不停地碰壁,但最終都飛出了狹小的瓶頸,它們用自己的 不懈努力 改變了像蜜蜂 那樣的命運 。

這是我們畢業那年老師在最後一節課上給我們講的 故事 。 那時,大家正面臨就業的壓力,每個人都人心惶惶,很多人對於自己的前途和命運更是 一片迷茫 。 那天,老師講完這個故事後,認真地對我們說:“三十歲以前,不要指望做出什麼大成就。什麼事情都可以嘗試,橫衝直撞四處出擊總比保守悲觀坐以待斃要高明得多。”

轉眼數年已過,我有個同學做營銷,已經是大地區的代理了,要知道,當時他 大學畢業 去搞推銷家長還是竭力反對的;還有一個同學,多次求職未果後,竟然轉行去做 自己喜歡 的電腦,現在已經 擁有 幾個公司了。 我還有個小學同學,因為工傷只好賦閒在家,他竟然要去蒸饅頭賣,全家又是一片反對的浪潮,在農村誰家不會蒸個饅頭呢? 但殘疾的他現在的饅頭生意已經做到了縣城周邊,成了遠近聞名的致富明星。

今天,我坐在電腦前突然又想起老師當年給我們講過的那個故事,可能我們永遠都不知道哪條路是 通向成功 的捷徑。 其實,人總要有 一段時間 就像被關在瓶子裡的蜜蜂那樣茫然失措,要緊的並不是急於找到擺脫困境的突破口,橫衝直撞也許是最好的選擇。

其實,就是這樣,成功並沒有什麼秘訣,我們周圍的那些成功者,都是在橫衝直撞的嘗試中尋找到機會的。 雖然經常被撞得頭破血流, 失敗 得更多,但都找到了適合自己的方向和空間。



从朋友的书脸读到这篇文章。取自。 与你分享。

1. 生活裡,有很多轉瞬即逝,像在車站的告別,剛剛還相互擁抱,轉眼已各自天涯。 很多時候,你不懂,我也不懂,就這樣,說著說著就變了,聽著聽著就倦了,看著看著就厭了,跟著跟著就慢了,走著走著就散了,愛著愛著就淡了,想著想著就算了。

2.其實,我很累了,我習慣 假裝 堅強 ,習慣了一個人面對所有,我不知道自己到底想怎麼樣。 有時候我可以很開心的和每個人說話,可以很放肆的,可是卻沒有人知道,那不過是偽裝,很刻意的偽裝;我可以讓自己很 快樂 很快樂,可是卻找不到快樂的源頭,只是傻笑。

3.有時候,莫名的 心情 不好,不想和任何人說話,只想一個人靜靜的發呆。 有時候,夜深人靜,突然覺得不是睡不著,而是固執地不想睡。 有時候,聽到一首歌,就會突然想起一個人。 有時候,別人突然對你說,我覺得你變了,然後自己開始百感交集。 ——丟了的自己,只能慢慢撿回來。

4.沒有人有耐心聽你講完自己的 故事 ,因為每個人都有自己的話要說;沒有人 喜歡 聽你抱怨生活,因為每個人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半 寂寞 ,這世界願意傾聽,習慣 沉默 的人,難得幾個。 ——我再也不想對別人提起自己的過往,那些掙扎在夢魘中的寂寞,荒蕪,還是交給時間,慢慢淡漠。

5.假如愛情可以解釋,誓言可以修改。 假如,你我的相遇,可以重新安排。那麼,生活就會比較容易。假如有一天,我終於能將你忘記。然而,這不是隨便傳說的故事。 也不是明天才要上演的戲劇。 我無法找出原稿,然後,將你一筆抹去。

6.有人告訴我,魚的記憶只有7秒,7秒之後它就不記得過去的事情,一切又都變成新的。 所以,在那小小魚缸裡的魚兒,永遠不會感到無聊 。我寧願是條魚,7秒一過就什麼都忘記,曾經遇到的人,曾經做過的事,都可以煙消雲散。 可我不是魚,無法忘記我愛的人,無法忘記 牽掛 的苦,無法忘記 相思 的痛。


8.所謂練習 微笑 ,不是機械地挪動你的面部表情,而是努力地改變你的心態,調節你的心情。學會平靜地接受現實,學會對自己說聲順其自然,學會坦然地面對厄運,學會積極地看待 人生,學會凡事都往好處想。這樣,陽光就會流進心裡來,驅走恐懼,驅走黑暗,驅走所有

9.心理學家推薦的能讓你開心的事:每天拍幾張照片;看快樂的電影;在周末的清晨做白日夢;給朋友 寄卡片;在水邊散步;偶爾吃一頓大餐;每星期堅持做一次鍛煉;一邊開車,一邊大聲歌唱;一邊喝咖啡,一邊讀小說;一邊打電話,一邊信手塗鴉;一邊洗澡,一邊唱歌。


11.曾經在某一個瞬間,我們以為自己長大了,有一天,我們終於發現,長大的含義除了 慾望 還有 勇氣 ​​和堅強,以及某種必須的犧牲。在生活的面前我們還都是孩子,其實我們從未長大還不懂得愛和被愛。

12.一生至少該有一次,為了某個人而忘了自己,不求有結果,不求同行,不求曾經 擁有 ,甚至不求你愛我,只求在我最美的年華里,遇到你。

13.有些傷口,時間久了就會慢慢長好;有些委屈,受過了想通了也就釋然了;有些傷痛,忍過了疼久了也成習慣了……然而卻在很多 孤獨 的瞬間,又重新湧上心頭。 ——其實,有些藏在心底的話,並不是故意要去隱瞞,只是,並不是所有的疼痛,都可以吶喊。


15.遇到一件事,如果你——喜歡它,那麼 享受 它;不喜歡,那麼避開它;避不開,那麼改變它;改不了,那麼接受它;接受不下,那麼處理它;難以處理,那麼就放下它。 ——其實,人最難的是“放下”。 放下了,就釋然了。



18.感情再深,恩義再濃的朋友,天涯遠隔,情義,終也慢慢疏淡。——不是說彼此的心變了,也不是說不再當對方是朋友,只是,遠在天涯,喜怒哀樂不能共享。 ——原來,我們已是遙遠得只剩下問候,問候還是好的,至少我們不曾把彼此忘記。

19.世界上最淒絕的距離是兩個人本來距離很遠,互不相識,忽然有一天,他們相識,相愛,距離變得很近。 然後有一天,不再相愛了,本來很近的兩個人,變得很遠,甚至比以前更遠。


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tanya's Concert

Watched Tanya's Concert in Singapore Indoor Stadium juz now. Brought back so much memories of the days i worked with her.

I have always been a fan of Tanya. I like her songs, her unplugged presentations of the songs, and more her personality. Tanya and Kit Chan are my favorite local artistes. I am lucky to have worked with both of them when i was in the entertainment industry. I always remembered a scene where i was with Tanya to do a radio interview in FM1003. She brought along her guitar and sang the song "Joni" on the guitar. I will never forget the scene, where i saw her so engrossed playing the guitar and singing the song. Beautiful.

Tanya has always not been a perfect live singing artiste to me. But there is juz a special feel to her live singing. Its this feel and the not so perfect singing makes me like her performance. It was a pleasant surprise to see Kit appearing as special artiste for Tanya's concert. Wow, once Kit sings, you can see the difference between these 2 artistes. Kit, to me, has got the perfect singing. When they sang the song "Home", i feel so proud to be a Singaporean :)

Thanks to Connie for giving me the tics to the concert.

My 20s, those days in the entertainment industry...

P/S: I still prefer Tanya playing guitar in jeans :)

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Monkey Gazing With The Kids @ Upper Pierce Reservoir

Brought the kids to Upper Pierce Reservoir to see monkeys this afternoon. It is the first time we saw monkeys running so freely around us. Haha, and also the first time we saw a pair of monkey making out right in front of us! Great experience!

This is the pair of monkey who made out in front of us :)

Friday, April 01, 2011


