
"Success Is Not Just Getting What You Want BUT Doing The Right Things With It"

Location: Singapore

Thursday, May 03, 2007

My Bak Bak Sistas

Took this out from my Bak Bak Sister (BBS)'s blog. So interesting!

My Bak Bak Sistas
A little introduction to the bak bak sistas:

Cancer - A strong level headed mum-to-be and a homely Cancer whom we all love. She speaks what is on her mind and does not care if she offends you or not. She can be a super career woman when she wants to be and fully believes that when you put your heart and soul in a matter, you can accomplish anything. A true no-nonsense kinda lady who will not hesitate to reason it out with you and will give you advice. Be warn if you do not heed her advice, unless you are one of her trusted aides, she has no patience for fools. A tough one not to be reckon with. She'll keep the trio in check when there is a need.

Leo - A strong Leo who puts on a brave front for so long that she has indeed become so brave and strong that it has become a second nature to her. A true believer who seldom wavers in her belief unless proven wrong and like a Lion, never keeps interest in a particular matter for long. A true loyal friend who places very high expectations from herself as well as from her trusted aides and expects total loyalty and friendship in return. A vain Leo this is I must add. She'll liven the trio with her laughter when she is around.

Libra - A peace-loving libran who always tries to balance and do her utmost best to maintain peace and harmony. Standing in the shoes of others and trying to think from both parties point of view can be viewed as indecisive at times and without a mind of her own. This Libran tends to seek advice and counsel from her trusted aides and makes up her own mind as she gets a clearer picture of what she wants. A truely adaptable aquatic creature who is like water - takes the form of whatever she decides to. A perpertual latecomer who is trying to reform. She'll try her best to keep the trio happy with her balancing act.

The three sistas with characters as different as can be, bound together by years of friendship. We have been through thick and thin, friendship and trust nurtured and nourished over the years. We survived the test of time and distance and we'll cherish this friendship as long as can be.


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